Who feels down these days? Come on, don’t be shy… raise your hand!
Well…. DomZday has the solution! (OK OK you can put your hands down now...)
The Downer: I hate winter... L
DomZday: Now that sucks... because Mr Snowman returns each year around this time!
The Downer: Every year it’s the same, I have no energy and I feel sluggish...
DomZday: Would a kick in the a$$ make you feel better?
The Downer: NO!!?? Isn’t there a miracle formula that could take care of this for me?
DomZday: Yes, it does exist! And I even sell some! It’s called “Vitamin D”!
The Downer: it seems too simple...
DomZday: You're right. Putting aside your computer and your cell phone would help, but D3 plays a really important role on your mood, good or bad... It has many other functions, but today, I don’t really care about phosphor absorption! There are three possible sources: the sun, little pills or food.
The Downer: Hhhmmmm, but I don’t like taking pills... What about food?
DomZday: So if that’s the case, I have what you need! Normally 90% of vitamin D intake comes from the sun. But since you are special, I have a secret for you....
You can drink 1 liter of salmon oil! Yes, one small liter of salmon oil and you will have a good enough dose of Vitamin D to satisfy your daily intake! And the best part, is that you will have the chance to start it all over again the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that... What do you say? You interested in a lifetime of drinking 1 liter of salmon oil each day? (Then I would recommend you find a salmon oil distributor that can deliver the oil by the truck load..!)
The downer: ha ha ha… VERY funny DomZday.... how about 1 liter of fat? Pure fat?
DomZday: Yes, but be careful of the solvent used to extract the fish oil!
The downer: ok, then what do you recommend?
DomZday: The DomZday solution? Eat eggs (with the yolk moron… Have you ever seen an egg without yolk? It’s actually GOOD FOR YOU!!!). And get your a$$ outside! Don’t worry; you don’t even have to move a muscle. Just sit down somewhere OUTSIDE, without sun glasses, then close your eyes and position your face towards that big yellow ball in the sky. And Voila!! The longer you stay in this position, the better, especially in winter time. We don’t expose our skin to sunlight enough during winter. If it’s a bit warmer outside, then pull your sleeves up and expose your arms. If it’s a bit chilly, well put on a coat and at least expose your face to the sun.
To Good Mood!
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