Mayo – Paleo Style!
And to think that you wouldn’t enjoy mayonnaise for 45 days!
We are happy to say that you are totally wrong! The Paleo lifestyle is your chance to discover a new array of blends and flavors of mayonnaise that has been unknown to many of us. For example, the baconnaise, the duckonnaise or the beefonnaise are all made from the fat of their respective animal: pork, duck and beef. Most people think that this is a heart attack in Masson jar, but we all know better know, it’s totally healthy!
Here are two different versions of mayonnaise recipes: a coconut oil mayonnaise and the baconnaise. The technique of preparation is the same for both. Also, keep in mind that you can extend this recipe with any spices you desire (dill, garlic, ginger, etc). The technique is simple… Use a blender, a magic bullet or you could always do a second WOD by doing it manually using a whisk.
The coconut mayonnaise is made with half olive oil. This will prevent the mayonnaise to become hard in the fridge.
Coconut Paleo mayonnaise ingredients:
2 egg yolks
1 tsp mustard (optional)
3 tsp lemon juice
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup coconut oil
Baconnaise variation
1 cup of liquid bacon fat in lieu of the olive oil or coconut oil
Put the yolks in a bowl (or directly into your blender) with the mustard and 1 tsp lemon juice and mix those ingredients together
Start stirring vigorously (blender) while dripping the oil very slowly, even drop by drop in the beginning. You have to create an emulsion, so if you put too much oil at once, it will separate and will be very hard to save. Stir non-stop and use a towel under the bowl to help stabilize it. As you add more oil, the emulsion will form and the mayonnaise will start to thicken. At this point, you can pour the oil a bit faster.
When all the oil is incorporated and the mayonnaise is thick, add the rest of the lemon juice and taste your creation.
You can now enjoy without any type of guilt and store the remainder in the fridge!
It's that simple! We encouraged you to make different variations, using the base of the recipe (and please share your ideas and results with us).
excellent, je vais essayer ça cette semaine !